Round The World Tips (Who to go with)

Round the world tips (Who to go with)
This is an important section that I should have mentioned earlier. As who you take with you on your round the world trip will greatly influence the content of your adventure. I decided to go with my girlfriend the first time, after making this decision people from all directions were telling me that I’d made a huge mistake and we’d never come back together. That the trip would expose all our flaws and irritations and it would break us. Obviously this had me a little worried as I’d been with my girlfriend for 6 years up to that point. In reality the journey had the complete opposite effect, it strengthened the relationship and opened our eyes to a number of new joint hobbies.
Now I can’t say for certain that this will happen for everyone, obviously every relationship is different and if you already have problems with each others company then the round the world experience probably will break you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it, as if you’ve both got enough passion to travel the world together then chances are you will find other similarities along the way.
Going with your girlfriend/boyfriend will change the way in which you interact with other travellers. Because you already have a travel partner it is easy to fall into a comfort zone and distance yourself from other like minded people. This was true of my journey and resulted in us not making many friends along the way. In some senses I liked the way this worked as after 6 months or so, having to answer the same questions of where you have been and what you have done up to that point was getting quite tiresome. As a couple you are more likely to experience a lot of romantic moments, watching sunsets/sunrises on a cliff precipice, lying under a vast expanse of stars in the desert and other similar occurances.
Travelling alone or with your mates is a completely different experience, especially for boys who will tend to take a lot more risks to get that story telling experience. Going alone is so different that even if you visited the same places for a whole year you’d bring back with you an entire new spin on the appeal of round the world travel. Other single travellers latch onto you quickly as a way of gaining new experiences of their own and also for finding travel partners to share excursion and transport costs with. You’ll find yourself with a books worth of new friends from all around the world and in some crazy situations you’d never believe happened in real life. Even if you find it hard to converse with strangers the travelling experience make things so much easier, as you all have common ground in the sense that everyone is on their own journey with their own adventures to tell.
My friends that travel alone consistently say that it is a great way to experience an holiday romance, as like minded adventure seekers will often incorporate that exotic sun fuelled relationship into their list of experiences. I believe the sun is the earths most effective aphrodisiac!
So choose a travelling method that suits you best.